Sunday, December 28, 2008


I am Dramp!
It's not every day that someone coins a new word. It was a wet and gloomy day as I went out to practice my hobby of photography. This did make for some great photos with the overcast and water on the ground.

I decided to make a photo music video. So I edited the footage, rock out a cool melody on the strat, and now I had to name this work. Dramp came out of my fingers as I typed the title.

'Dram' means a small amount and 'Damp' means slightly wet. Combine them together and you get 'Dramp'. So 'Dramp' means a small amount of slightly wet. We can use that word all of the time in East Texas!

This is what Dramp looks like.
"Dramp" (Instrumental Music Video)

Use Dramp in a sentence.
Sir, you sure are looking dramp today.

The last time I coined a word was back in 1990, Timetorians.

Dramp does sound cool too.

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