Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Life as an Action Hero, Rock Star and Internet Legend.

Herbert fighting a Giant in Battle!
Who is going to win?
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I was asked to play an action hero character in one of the student films last weekend. Immediately I said yes. It was going to be a get challenge to pull off. Time to see how tough I really am, on screen.

You don't want to mess with this guy.
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Not a lot of lines, however there is a lot of running, fighting and action type stuff. It is a lot of hard work, I can't wait to see the footage!

Even unarmed, these two are no match for Herbert.
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There was a lot of physical action. It's a good thing that I ran so much this summer. Running over and over again, fighting over and over again, takes a lot out of you. Some of my judo skills also helped out in the final hand to hand combat scene.

Here I'm Rockin' out at the "Combating Cancer Concert".
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I was fortunate to be asked to perform at the "Combating Cancer Concert" last Friday night. A lot of great bands and artist played that night and a good time was had by all. It has been too long since I played a real gig. The atmosphere of rock and roll was in the air. Man I missed performing for a rock crowd. I have to do this more often.

It was a great twenty minutes of rock and roll that came right from my soul to the audiences' ears. The good news is that I had a camera there. So if you missed me rockin' out or want to hear it over and over again, here you go.

'Combating Cancer' Concert

I'm Legend, the Internet Legend.
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From 9am - 3pm on Saturday, I was playing an action hero. Then at 7pm, I put on my tuxedo and went swing dancing. From fighting two big thugs on films, to dancing like a double aught British spy a few hours later. That's my crazy full life.

It's getting easier to learn new dance moves. This is helping my blocking when I act. Now I can look at a few moves, and I can mimic it back. I still can't believe that I can swing dance as well as I can in under two months. In a few years, I might actually be good.

I love to write where ever I am.
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I turned in the first draft of the screenplay I've been working on. So far, many great friends have given me feedback on the screenplay. Jim has helped me a lot on the screenplay so far.

To make a great screenplay, you really can't write it all yourself. If you feel like reading a 55 page first draft, please do. I would love the feedback. Feel free to tear it apart and tell me what works and what doesn't. What make sense, what doesn't. I need to rewrite it another eleven times to make a final draft.

"2012" Screenplay, first draft 55 pages.

Light is cool.
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Guitars are cool.
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Bicycles are cool.
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Welcome to the gun show.
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Rock and Roll!
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More Photos of the Action Hero Film Shoot this Weekend.

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