Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sailing Away My Life

I'm about to go sailing!
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I had an opportunity to go sailing last weekend. Going sailing on a catamaran never crossed my mind in my life. It was a great memory and a great chance for friends to show that we could work together.

As we were helping to put the catamaran together, the owner was telling us what we would need to do. It was a lot of information and I didn't get half of it. I came close to staying on shore and rockin' out on my guitar as they went sailing. However I have always been up to the challenge of every thing that has faced me, so I had to go.

Right now I'm in the best shape of my life and I can follow instructions. So I felt confident that I would be able to learn as we were sailing on the catamaran. It was a lot of hard work.

It took a while to put the catamaran together. Finally we got the sail on the mast and it was time to get on the water. When the catamaran's sail got some wind, the feeling was great! We were sailing!

In no time, we were out of eye shot of the shore. We had to remember how to get back, there were no instruments, only pulleys, ropes and our wits. You can't have any electronic devices out there, in no time we were all soaked. Towards the end, it was getting cold too.

Before we go sailing.
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It was a great feeling to be out of contact with the world. For those four hours, no one could get a hold of me. That's something that doesn't happen very much now. The world was a better place in many ways before cell phones and wifi internet were every where.

In a few hours, we all had our jobs down. Once we could all depend on one another, we were tacking like a machine. Pulling ropes, controlling the jib and rudders all became second nature after a few hours.

I want to thanks Ken, Amit and Chewy for inviting me to go sailing with them. Maybe I'll write about it one day in a screenplay. Or maybe a song.

Here I'm about to rock out!
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Last Thursday at noon, I decided to put on an Impromptu Live Concert if front of Student Center at SFA. It was a beautiful East Texas day and I had a great time. The great news was that I had a camera there to record it for all to see.

Rock and roll! Enjoy!!!!

Impromptu Concert in front of Student Center

The recorder is cool.
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Here is my latest song. I hope you like this music video. Rock and roll!

"Coming Back For More" (Music Video)

The guitar and me at night.
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A great shot at dusk by the water.
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A great sunset shot.
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I'll talk to you later, I'm a bit tied up at the moment.
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I'm blue today.
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Here I'm eating Hibachi-style!
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Get your Herbert Action Figure today!
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