Friday, October 26, 2007

A Piece of Dirt in Your Eye Really Hurts...

In this photo I look happy, however
I have a piece of dirt in my eye.
I'm a professional on any film shoot.
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This week I was out shooting a music video, when a wind gust came out of no where and a speck of dust blew into my eye. I tried for over thirty minutes to get the dust particle out before my tears finally flushed it out. Man it was irritating!

Funny, having that speck of dust in my eye, I didn't care about anything but getting it out! Didn't care about the song, making a music video, what I wanted to eat for dinner, what I was going to do that night or any thing else. This gave me a different point of view of my life at that moment. All of the drama that surrounds all of us, at that point of crises, none of that really matters.

I see folks all of the time look sad or depressed, emo if you will. Walking around, I over hear folks complaining about this trivial matter or that. Most of the art, writings and music I hear and see are about sad things and events.

Well all I can say is this, does any of that matter when you have a speck of dust in your eye. No. Things that aren't really important are soon forgotten the moment that some event gives us a real annoyance to contend with.

So smile. Give someone a smile and I bet that you'll feel better too. And they may pass it on to someone else too. If you have some drama in you life, fix it or get over it. Life is too short. Too short to worry about stuff that really doesn't matter in the larger scope of our existence.

Before you hold a grudge for the rest of your life, think of this. In a billion years, would any one care. Then how about a hundred years? In one week? If the answer is no, forget it, forgive it and go on and live the best life that you can.

That's what I do. I rock and roll every day, create as much as I can and enjoy the precious gift called life. Maybe you should do the same. Don't wait until you get a speck of dust in your eye to see the light.

Rock and roll.

Music videos:
Here I'm rocking out on the piano.
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"Ever Wonder Why?" Music Video

"Struggling Around Circles" Music Video

"Smiling Man" (Music Video)

Playing Boogie Woogie on the Piano

My first bonfire at SFA!
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Man that fire got hot fast, and I was a 100 yards from it! I could still feel the flames 300 yards away. It was really cool to see a fire that big!
Bonfire at SFA 2007

And Happy Birthday.

I'm looking for something.
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One of the last times I can wear shorts until next year.
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It's getting colder!
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My tie dye shirt! Go hippies!
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I can sit in a chair.
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I like to rock and roll everywhere!
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Afternoon lighting. I like those zappos!
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Me at the bonfire! It's hot!
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