Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Life is a Road to Travel On

Here I am traveling on this thing called life.
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Well, I played guitar on the last show of the 'Man of La Mancha' last Sunday. The second week, everything fell into place. Everyone was in their game and the last three nights went great. I knew where to play and I brought my amp so the audience could hear me. It was a lot of fun and I hope to get a chance to act or have one of my plays performed out at the Lamp-lite Theatre.

At the Lamp-lite Theatre, I saw a flyer that told they were having open auditions for a play at ACC. I thought, it would be cool to get some more experience auditioning, so I drove out to ACC. So far in my acting career, I have never auditioned for a stage play.

Man that stage and hall is big at ACC. Well I am only a film actor, I didn't think that my voice could project far enough to be heard. However it would be a good experience to do a cold reading and see if I could act without any preparation.

So I got to read a small part. I quickly read everyones lines so that I could know how to react to the other actors. One thing that I have learn so far in acting, that if you can react and make an another actor look good, you look too. And the only way I know how to do that is to know what your lines mean.

After a few minutes, we did a quick rehearsal. After it was over, I thought that I did ok, I did see other actors before me do a better job. Then I was handed another script. After that I was handed another one. I soon realized that I might get casted.

Right now with all the film acting and screen play writing, I didn't have six weeks of weeknights to devoted to a play, so I told the director that I was only a film actor and was there only for experience auditioning. The director said that I had a really good soft and natural touch to my acting and that could be cast as one of the middle characters if I could do it.

Wow! I can't believe that I was a good enough actor to get a chance to act on a stage with a full role. Film, well I know how I look. But to do this acting thing live and have an audience believe me. I am amazed.

The good news is they have four open calls for actors at ACC every year, so the next time I go, I hope that I can get a part when I don't have so much on my plate. I can't wait to get a chance to act for real in a play in front of an audience!

As normal, I have been writing songs and shooting music videos. I saw this cool rock and I knew that I wanted to shoot a video there. When I was making the video I had one of my many fans see me and run over. The fan wanted me to sing my famous Nerd Song, so I did with a little help.

One thing that I realized shooting these music videos is how hard it really is doing what I do. To make a new music video about every week is not easy. First off, I have to write a song. Then I have to learn it. When I go out to film it, I have to deal with people looking at me, cars driving by, the sun being covered by clouds, the weather getting my guitar out of tune and now fans that want to sing along with me. Well, it is a fun challenge to do. This is my life.

I also got to run nine miles, ride my bike and have a great time at the Singer Songwriter's Group. Here is an newspaper article about it.

"In The Room" Music Video (Rock Version)

"In The Room" Music Video (Dead Tree Version)

"I'm a Nerd" with A big fan singing along.

I love these Black and White Photos
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