written in the last 6 months"

So I started to listen to all of the songs that I made since my last CD release. And there are a lot of songs. I really have enough songs to make a new CD right now.
One way that I can tell that a song is good is when I hear it in my head or start to sing it away from my guitar. When I got up this morning, I heard one of my recent songs play in my head. And thinking back to my dreams, I heard them in my dreams too.
This is my latest song, When A Smile Isn’t What it Seems. As I sat down last night, I looked around the venue and the first line popped into my mind. When I came back home, I wrote it.
What I would like to know is what is your favorite song that I have wrote since my last CD? Which one is the most 'emo' if you think that I write emo songs? Which one is the least 'emo'? Which one do you dislike? Which one rocks the most? Is there a song you wouldn't like to heard on the new CD? Which song has to go on the new CD? You can post comments here or email me.
Here are all of the songs that I have recorded since my last CD.
When A Smile Isn’t What it Seems 3.3 megs mp3
She's Not the Girl for You! 3.7 megs mp3
Sweater Girl 2.1 megs mp3
Ten Feet Away 3.6 megs mp3
Time Can Heal all Wounds 3.5 megs mp3
You are the Best Nerd in the World 2.9 megs mp3
Roller Coaster 3.9 megs mp3
Goodbye 3.4 megs mp3
You Can't Look into My Eyes Anymore 4.6 megs mp3
She Wants What She Can't Have 2.2 megs mp3
Not Home Yet 3.2 megs mp3
Ophelia The Guitar version 3 megs mp3
Ophelia The piano version 3 megs mp3
I Like You a lot, Girl 3.7 mp3
Don't Hurt Me. 3 megs mp3
Why Do you Care? 3 megs mp3
I Like the Way that You Are. 3 megs mp3
How Long,How Short 3 megs mp3
I Didn't Let Her 3.1 megs mp3 (The music for the Chorus of this song is from a Social Bliss song, they were cool about me using it.)
WolfMan to Man soundtrack 2.9 megs mp3
I Got Game soundtrack 3.4 megs mp3
Classroom 3 megs mp3 (I paid $20,000 to learn how to compose music that sounds like this.)
Email me your thoughts. Thanks.
I dont have time to email right now, but I did not particularly like Roller coaster, dont hurt me, or sweater girl. No bad feelings though herb
Heya Herb!
I posted this over at your MySpace site but I also wanted to post this here at "homebase"-
WOW Herb!
Thats a REAL tough question! I've got my favorites narrowed down to two.
-She's Not The Girl For You!
-You Are The Best Nerd In The World
Personally I think that is because they are "emo" in a different sort of way. There's more of an aggressive emotion about them so they tend to stick in my mind more (As I write this, I'm listening to 'Why Do You Care'. That one is REALLY GOOD too and it should probably be right up there with my favorites).
I'd say that 'Time Can Heal All Wounds' is probably the most emo out of all of them and its absolutely superb! You do such a good job at emo that if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were drawing off of experience?
The Least emo is definately Classroom! It sounds like you had fun doing it though!
As far as disliking your songs, I can honestly say I don't dislike any of them! But I know you want constructive critisim so If I were to say just one thing it would be to mix it up more when you put the CD together. A sine wave of emo would really put the listener through the paces. After listening to your emo, Wolfman to Man was a Welcome pick me up! I'm not used to being that emotional!
If I were to pick just one song for the new CD(other than the must haves up top barring Classroom), it would have to be....I know its a long shot, I'm A Nerd recorded with Social Bliss!
All in all, FANTASTIC job!
Looking forward to more of
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