"I Got Game"

Happy New Year to all of my friends in blogging land! First thank you all for reading my blogs, I have thousands of people that read my blog every month. I hope that my blog is different than most, and I feel that it is.
I am thankful for a lot of things. Last year I made some great new friends and kept up with a lot of old friends.
I wrote many plays, and I am amazed that people read them, I still hope to get one performed, perhaps this year. Music is a major part of my life, and you all have heard my songs that I post on my blog. As soon as I record a song, it goes up here first. I love to make music videos and Sci-Fi movies. Thank you all for watching them. A long time ago I have learned not to create work to "sit on the shelf". With the power of the internet, I'll always have an audience for my work.
Here are some folks that made my last year great, Jim. Last year at this time we started work on the Stormtrooper suit. Mine was the first one, it took five months to finish, not counting the two years of research that Jim did before I came over. I have had so much fun wearing my Star Wars suits, both the Stormtrooper and the Rebel Fleet Trooper and I have Jim to thank for that!
I had over 560,000 downloads of the "I'm a Nerd" song off of Stupidvideos.com. A lot of that is because of Stormtrooper suit that Jim designed. Without that suit, it would be just me in singing a song about nerds. I have gone Gold with the Nerd Song on the web!
Amit, Dan and I co-host an Education Technology podcast, Return of Whatever. We have 30 podcast so far. This has been great because even though they are both not in Texas anymore, I get a chance to talk to them every week on the web. And I must say that I learn a lot from them too!
Social Bliss and have been friends for a while now. The members of the band are great friends and I love to hear them rock the house down. And I got to open for them too this year, man what an honor!
And speaking of rocking the house down I can't forget open mike night. Tom runs the open mike night at Rita's, we all want to thank him for letting us all have a chance in East Texas play whatever we want. On Thursday nights, Rita's becomes CBGB's in Nac. I look forward to Thursday night all week long. It's the one night of the week that I can rock and roll and have people hear me play my songs live. Thanks again Tom. This is the only place in the world that would let me and James play covers from the 80's.
Some of my other friends that I can't forget, Arthur, Jess, Dave, Jimbo, Jerry, Nick, Chris, Chuck and James N. All of these friends I talk to on the phone a few times a year and send them emails of my work. I know they all get a laugh when they get one of my emails. And SD, I rule at Dr. Mario on the Gameboy!
I have a lot of other friends that I'm sure I'm forgetting. The time that we all spent together, laughing most of the time I'm sure, still makes me happy and always will.
And thanks to all of the students that take my classes, without you I would be talking to the walls. Practically every time I go out, I'm stopped by a former or current student that tells me they like one of my classes. I forget sometime that as a teacher I touch so many lives. And I guess that most of my students are listening to me. Thanks, at times I'm not sure what you all are doing with your cell phones. It must be important to chat the second you walk out of class so you don't miss your Taco Bell meeting.
So last year, I had a lot to be thankful for. I look forward towards next year. Looking towards the future! Many adventures lie ahead. More plays, songs, music, Sci-Fi movies, music videos and happy times are all ahead. I just have to create them and post them on my blog.
So Happy New Years everyone, I hope that you all have a great year. My New Year resolutions, is to rock the house at open mike night and get more internet fame. I want to walk into a Star Trek convention and have the crowd pop like when they see William Shatner.
Here is a new movie that I made. Chris and Amit thought that I was crazy shooting some this footage, but in the end, you will see the fruits of my labor.
I have been wanting to make a Kung-Fu movie for a while. This movie was a test to see what I can and can't do and how certain scenes would look on the screen. This is the result. And the music, that's me on the recorder! I played the drums too.
I Got Game 14.6 megs mov
If that doesn't work, you can download this avi.
I Got Game avi 26 megs avi
Here is a link to a videocast that Amit and I recorded a few days after Christmas.
You have to have Quicktime 7 to view it.
Return of Whatever 12-28-05 videocast 20 megs Quicktime 7 mov
And yes those are the stairs in "Death Stairs". You know you want to watch Herb fight a trash can.
And Happy New Year,if I haven't heard from you in a while, email me.
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