That's right everyone. "I'm a Nerd" has went Gold! Going Gold means that you have sold over 500,000 records. That's half a million! Did I sell over 500,000 "I'm a Nerd" songs? No.
I did however have over 500,000 downloads of "I'm a Nerd" video at www.StupidVideos.com. The exact number of downloads so far is 576,541. All I can say is WOW! I am really famous! That's internet fame that is!
The video is the one in which I am singing "I'm a Nerd" in my Stormtrooper suit. Jim thanks for all the work you put into to the Stormtrooper project. I know without the suit, I would only be a guy singing a nerd song with a guitar. And thanks to Social Bliss for giving me the "Whatever" guitar! You guys rock! And thanks to all my fans of "I'm a Nerd", without you, I would only be a nerd singing a song about nerds. I may not have time to email all the folks that write to tell me they like the song, so let me here thank you all!
Some people might say, Herb why don't you sell your song? Well it is simple, I don't think that anyone would buy it. If some folks would, it wouldn't be near a half a million. I am just happy that I have giving joy to so many people. If I have put a smile on someone's face that is sad or made someone laugh that was feeling down, then that is payment in full! Plus I do believe that one day "I'm a Nerd" will show up in some movie or TV show. I can feel it in my bones, "I'm a Nerd" has a life of it's own. Just give it time, time will prove me correct.
Here is the email that I got about my major achievement:
We thought you might be interested to know the following about your
StupidVideo titled I'm A Nerd you submitted to StupidVideos.com.
Your video has been seen over 576541 times since you submitted it.
Currently, your video is rated a 7.5 out of 10.
You are currently ranked number 218 out of 1179.
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Thanks for hanging out on StupidVideos and for never, ever doing anything stupid.
StupidVideos People
WOW! That's all I can say. Thanks again to all my fans!
Add 576,541 to the 40,000 plus download off of my site and that's a lot of people that have heard my song.
Here is the song if you want to hear it.
I'm a Nerd
Read my blog for other songs that I have wrote.
Email me
1 comment:
Congrats Herb! I'll shoot for gold too! :)
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