Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Welcome to WWW.HerbertMidgley.com !

This is the calm before the storm. I will be on national TV tonight and I am so excited. I have told about every friend that I have an email or phone number. I will be on G4TechTV's 'Unscrewed' at 10:30pm Texas time.

If you are here for the first time, welcome. I hope that you dig my song and my other videos, plays and other crazy music.

If you have any comments or thoughts, you can email me. My email is on my website.

Thanks again for dropping by. I will post later how many hits my site got.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just happened to be watching G4TechTV and saw your bit tonight - didn't even recognize the name until I checked out the site after it aired - Laura mentioned Nacogdoches so I checked it out. (Didn't immediately recognize the name because, while I was signed up for one of your classes, I switched it out for something else on the first day). Not every day you see someone on TV who you were going to take a class from.

Anyways, good job! Maybe you can get that record deal with William Hung now!

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