Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Today Is Not Tomorrow

Today Is Not Tomorrow 

Remembering Halloween when I was a kid is different than today. Halloween was a kid's holiday. I do not remember anyone dressing up who was over twelve. Today, more adults dress up than the kiddos! Why did this shift happen?

Halloween costumes are a reflection of who we want to be! The freedom of the possibilities that adult life rarely offers. For one day of the year, you can be anyone you want! 

But today, there are more opportunities for dressing up in costumes. With all the comic conventions, cosplay can be a weekly event for those traveling the circuit. You can be one character one day and another one next week. 

Cosplayers take pride in making their costumes. They study pictures of their favorite characters and make them a reality. At times, they make better costumes than the professionals who made them for the movies. 

So, Halloween and dressing up in costumes have changed over my lifetime. I wonder what the future will bring for cosplayers. With 3D printers, there are more options for creativity. The future is bright for those who want to dress as their favorite characters!


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