Sunday, June 30, 2024

Laughing At The Past

Laughing At The Past

Each generation thinks they are cool, hip, and in the know. Everyone thinks they know what is amazing and what is not. We do not. Time has a way of laughing at us. History can be hysterical, as time has shown throughout history.

At one point in time, people who performed mathematical calculations were called computers. In the 70s, no one could imagine a reason for a typical household to have a microcomputer. The sole rationale for having a computer in the 70s was to catalog your recipes from the engineers' point of view. A person who computes is no longer called a computer. Today, only some have written recipes they catalog. If they do, they are typed in a text file that could be searched without thought. History has shown us that understanding the future and emerging technologies is like reading tea leaves in a cup of water. No one knows what future technologies can bring. And they cannot predict what the future will bring.
Today, the buzzword in technology is artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLM). Most have heard this new technology will ruin education and take away jobs. Perhaps large language models will lead to the destruction of the world. However, few in the population understand how large language models function. Large language models are not some amazing technology that is not understandable. Even looking at the words for LLM can help you understand how this technology works.
Large, hundreds of billions of parameters capture a vast amount of information from the data on which they are trained. Language, the model operates based on working with text and understanding the nuances of human language. Models are algorithms trained to perform various natural language processing tasks.
This may still be challenging to understand. However, large language models are as groundbreaking as the microcomputers in the home in the 1970s and the internet in the 1990s. Predicting all the applications that large language models will influence is not possible. The past has shown this. But it is fun to try.
Do not be afraid of large language models. It is a tool like a computer or the internet. You can learn how to use this tool and be more productive. Will jobs change due to large language models? Yes. But technology has always affected jobs going back to the wheel or pulleys. Simple machines change the world, and so will large language models. Education will adapt to large language models, such as teaching imbraced computers and the internet.
It will be amazing to see the future of large language models. Our lives will improve in ways that you may not notice. So, go out there and learn about large language models. What you understand, you do not fear.


Friday, May 31, 2024

What We Need And Want

 What We Need And Want

Today, we are used to the comforts of modern life. It is contemporary to us. In the past, it would have been magic. If we put ourselves in the past, it is not modern. It is ancient history. A working modern device will be updated sooner rather than later. It will happen sooner because another device will replace it before it becomes unusable.

We face our lives with contemporary knowledge. Plugging a device into electricity is as simple as opening a door. The idea of working with electricity in the past was undoubtedly mysterious and only possible for the highly skilled. When you think about how many parts go into just a regular automobile, it is doubtful that one person could make a car alone. Something as simple as a pencil would be a challenge for one person to make. Without modern technologies, even making something like a hamburger or a sandwich would take you months to prepare to make the final product.

When you get right down to it, you can appreciate modern conveniences. When the Internet was new, it was mysterious and strange. No one can predict how crucial it will become to modern life. Also, no one can predict all the different Internet applications. Surely, in the future, the newer technologies that will come out will still have that air of mystery, with young people gravitating towards the newer technologies and older people clinging to the ones that are comfortable for them.

Large language models, also known as artificial intelligence (AI), are currently in their infancy. Many people are trying to figure out what applications are useful. However, as history has shown us, with the rise of the Internet, no one can predict how ubiquitous the Internet will be for the masses. The one thing that can be predicted is that AI will change our current paradigm and most likely make life more efficient.

That does not mean it will improve life. Has the Internet really improved humanity? What about smartphones? What about social media and social networks? There are supporters and naysayers for all these. The same is true of AI.

You live in interesting times, and you truly do. It would be amazing to see what AI will be like in five years and how it will affect and interact with our lives. Add a few more zeros to that five, and none of us can predict the future of artificial intelligence. But it is interesting to speculate.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Dig Deep

Dig Deep

Dig Deep

How badly you want something shows in the effort you are willing to put into it. Dreaming big can help. However, if you want something accomplished, you must put in the time and yourself to achieve success. No one else can do it for you. The world would be different if others could help you achieve your goals.

If you desire to finish a large project, you can find the strength to succeed. It is harder when you have little desire to finish a major project. Perhaps it is interest or a connection that gives you that desire. Once you have decided that you will finish, you will find a way, no matter what obstacles are in front of you.

When something is easy, everybody can finish it. But when it is truly hard, it separates those who can see the bigger picture. When you can picture yourself achieving your goal, it is easier to make it happen. There is a reason why something is hard, and something is easy.

Goals can lead to accomplishments. Small accomplishments can lead to larger accomplishments, which can lead to the success you want in your life. It is up to you. Do not let anything get in your way when it is important. See it, know it, and make it happen!



Sunday, March 31, 2024

Being At Peace With Yourself And The World


Being At Peace With Yourself And The World

When you are at peace with the world, you are really at peace with yourself. Life goes by fast. Before you know it, it will be over. Any ill feelings you have for others will no longer matter. When you think about it, they do not even matter in the present. Being upset over things that you have no control over, is fruitless. Worrying about what somebody else thinks, is even more fruitless.

Everybody has beliefs and opinions. Some of them you agree with, some of them you do not. Imagine a world where everybody thinks exactly the same about every topic. That is not reality, that is not even fantasy. That will never happen. Every person experiences the world from a different perspective. Respecting other people's thoughts ultimately means respecting your own. You are welcome to look at life through somebody else's lenses, but it is not required. Most barely understand their own perspective, much less trying to understand others.

People desire respect. Whenever there is an altercation, it usually involves a lack of respect. Respecting your own ideas will lead to respecting others' ideas. Disagreeing with someone else's thoughts is fine, but try to do that in a respectful tone. Also, realize that you are not going to change somebody else's ideas even with the best debate. You may have the best argument in the world, but your thoughts will not change others if they believe deeply. A better approach would be to lay down your argument in a respectful manner and allow them to come to their own conclusions. If they have an open mind and your argument is solid, perhaps they will agree with your point of view. However, most likely, they will continue believing what they believe. And there is nothing you can do about that.

So, go out there and be peaceful. Be respectful to everybody. And have tolerance for people who have different ideas and beliefs from yours. Hopefully, they will also be willing to tolerate your ideas. And maybe you can not resolve every single issue. But, you may find common ground to start a conversation. When you are talking, there will be more things in common than not between you both. Hopefully, both sides can find a respectful, working relationship. Bringing the world together one respectful conversation after another.


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