Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Future

The Future 

When thinking about the future, you have to draw upon the past. With the past as your reference point, it will skew your thoughts about the future. We only have the past to look to and predict the future. 

During my lifetime, computers, networking, and all technology have improved to a level that the population does not notice when technology is present. Daily, humanity is being tracked, recorded, and analyzed without a thought. It is a brave new world that we have approved these impositions of privacy and even pay for the services that conduct these invasions. 

Our locations are being tracked, and our loved ones can follow us, but so can the computers, for lack of a better term. The computers will follow us from birth until the grave. All of the zeros and ones will be stored until those drives fail. Before that, a hologram will contain all of our thoughts and net presence until this technology becomes outdated, and the few holograms that are transcribed to the new technology will look new and improved. 

Then, one day, the Sun will release a flare that will wipe all of the storage devices on the surface of the Earth. The redundant drives will be retrieved. Copies will restore the computers until the next, and finally, the last solar flare. Then the Earth will go cold. Soon, all traces of humanity will be lost. 
Once the Sun has expired, so will our solar system. All the data will now be space dust blowing in the solar winds. 

Refrain from counting on the future to solve your problems or issues. Work on them today. When you do, you will be free to enjoy your life. One day, nothing will remain, so enjoy it while you can. Before the dolphins and robots exit the Earth. The time is now to make your life enriched. Each second that passes is one that you will never get back. Please do not waste any of them. You are running out of time. 


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