A decade between two photos in the same place shows the difference between decades. Much can change in a decade. The plants and trees have grown or are gone. Roads or parking lots may have deteriorated or improved. One can notice one of two ways that usually has changed over time. When looking at photos from different times, improvement or deterioration is generally noticeable.
As in life, you either get better over time or worst. It takes work to maintain your life. If you are maintaining, usually you are getting better or worst. Either you are getting better at life or as a human being. That applies to most things in life. Working to improve your life takes action. Those that are willing to try to improve their lives are the ones that will. If you never try, nothing will improve.
The world changes over time. So do you. As the decades pass, you will realize you are different one day. Even without action, over time, you will be different. Think back to your youth and remember all of the things like and own you do not. Foods that were great as a child you may never want to eat again. TV shows or movies that were your favorites now may be unwatchable. Time and maturity give one a different perspective. And there is nothing you can do to stop that. With age comes an awareness that is lacking in youth.
Take a moment and enjoy life before it flows away. Enjoy a soft breeze from the wind as you go for a walk. Study your favorite tree before it falls. Spend time with your loved ones, sit silently, and remember that moment. Life is amazing. Enjoy the ride. Appreciate this wonderful gift we are experiencing.
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