Monday, October 31, 2022

That is a short haircut!

 That is a short haircut!

Getting a haircut can be cathartic. A hairstyle dramatically different from what you have been wearing for a while can be very cathartic. Sometimes, a short haircut reminds you of the things that you have lost and what you have to look forward to in the future.

There are people in the world that obsess about keeping their hair the same for decades. The same thing goes for facial hair. Their facial hair increases and their hair gets longer and longer until one day it is unmanageable. Now they are no longer in control over their hair. Their hair is in control over them.

Having a surprising change of hairstyle or facial hair gives perspective and clarity to your life. You ask, was my hair really that important? Did my hair make me who I am? Am I a different person now that I look different? 

Hopefully, you realize you are the same person with or without your hair. The good thing, the hair will grow back at some point. Starting off with a clean slate is a gift that would be wonderful to apply to other things in life. If you are tired of your long hair, you just need to get a haircut.

Once you realize your hair is unimportant, you can recognize what else is trivial. Then you can understand what is important to you in your life. Once you have the maturity to realize what is truly important to you, you will know what to hold onto and what to let go of in your life.


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