Tuesday, November 30, 2021

You Will Not Take My Advice!

 You Will Not Take My Advice!

I wish I could give you advice from my many years of living, but you will not take it. No matter how good that advice is, you will not take it. Even if you are completely wrong, you will not take it. Moreover, since I am twice your age, you will still ignore my advice.

So should I stop offering middle-aged guy advice to those younger than me? Let all my years of experience not assist you with your task? You know it all, so I should stop talking.

No, you do not have to follow that advice, but I will still say it. That is the gift of age. Maybe wisdom is too strong to describe my lifetime knowledge. Just because of your lack of experience does not negate mine. 

Looking back in my youth, I would seek out those with wisdom to ask questions. I would listen. At times I would agree. Other times I would not. But I still listen. Being young means that you should listen to those with knowledge. You are the student, and the older person is the teacher. 

At some point, you become the teacher. It is the responsibility of elder members of society to take on the role of being a teacher. Sharing this knowledge is important so the youth will gain from the life experiences of the past.

Can older people learn from the young? Yes, older can learn from those younger than them. And not only with new technologies or gadgets. Seeing the world through a fresh set of eyes will give an older person a different perspective. 

Perhaps the best lesson you can give young people is to be lifelong learners. Your education does not end with formal education. Learning begins after school ends, and you move to your professional life. I have learned more after my degrees by using that knowledge in practice. 

So if you old, give advice, whether solicited or not. And young people, listen to the wisdom of those that have long life experiences. You may disagree with them. You can still learn from them. 



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