Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween During The Pandemic

 Halloween During The Pandemic 

Life during the pandemic in the last eight months has been challenging. Little things that we took for granted, are now more complicated. Holidays, that before Covid-19, we would all look forward to going out and celebrate, we now look at them with a different perspective. 

4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween, and soon Thanksgiving and Christmas, are being questioned by people, how to celebrate these during a pandemic. Should everyone wear a mask, should everyone just stay at home, or should the holidays be canceled, these and many other questions are being asked today.

Let us look at this from a different perspective, not going into the social or political avenues of these questions. Looking at holidays that were taken for granted Pre-Covid-19 times, now many wish it was easy for them to celebrate these holidays.

The biggest thing for me that has come from this pandemic, is realizing all the little things I took for granted. Reflecting on holidays, it usually is not the holiday itself you are missing, you are missing the connection with the ones you love. So during Thanksgiving, it is not so much the turkey and dressing, as it is spending time with your parents, grandparents, or siblings you rarely see.

Hopefully, we will look back at the year 2020, and realize all the things that were difficult or could not be done during a pandemic. Once things get back to normal, hopefully, we will not forget. Enjoy the holidays the best you can during 2020. Know that one day, those holidays will go back to normal. 

We may be different, having grown from these experiences. It is like going back to your childhood house as an adult, the house is exactly the same, you are not. That is why everything looks a little bit smaller than it did when you were younger.


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