Saturday, August 11, 2007

Strive to be a Better Human Being

Each day I try to be a better human being.
Image if the whole world would do this.
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Well Summer II came a went fast once again. Both classes learned a lot, as did I. Being a teacher is so rewarding in many ways.

The MHL 350 Class.
I'm the one in a suit and tie.
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In the Music for Children class, it is always amazing to see the growth in such a short period of time. Thinking back about a month ago and seeing them all teach during their final, they have all grown as educators.

I love teaching this class because I feel that teaching is so important for society. And everyone of us want the best teachers in every classroom. After they have taking all of their education classes, they will be prepared for their own classrooms. I wish them all well as future teachers.

The MTC 362 Class.
I'm the one in glasses.
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Having the chance to teach the midi class during the summer was a great experience. Since the midi lab got new computers this summer, I was able to retool the class to put all of this powerful technology to work. So from now on the class is going to write their own song, make a music video and post it on the web.

Only three years ago, this was hard to do. Since the music software called GarageBand has made making music a lot easier and iMovie, the powerful yet easy video editing software, can be combined together to make anyone into a music video editor.

People still don't believe that I can write a song, shoot and edit a music video and have it on YouTube within an hour. So someone half way around the world can see and hear me sing a song that didn't exist less than an hour ago. The internet is amazing.

The class composed two songs, shot, directed, edited and posted their videos on YouTube. I am proud of the hard work they did in such a short period of time. They all learned so much from this final project.

Here are just a few things they all learned: How to write a song that isn't boring, organizing a video production, shooting the video, syncing the music to the video, editing the footage, posting the video online, promotion of the song and webpage design. What a great use of the powerful technology that is now available.

Here is their YouTube link: Flyn High Music Videos.

Here I'm thinking about life.
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As teacher you learn everyday. Each time I go into a classroom, I think about what information they are going to walk out with. Each day is a new challenge.

Every person in the class has a story. Their story is important to who and what they are in life. Everyone is at a different point in their life, so you can never teach the same material the exact same way as you did the last time. Each class is different, and so are you as a teacher.

It is very hard to remain the same. Either you're getting better at teaching or you're getting worst. Just like in life.

Either you're getting to be a better person or you're not. So everyday you have a make a decision, am I going to grow as a human being today? Am I going to better myself today? Am I going to give up and except what fate has dealt me or am I going to do something about it?

Never give up in life. Each day is special, try not to waste them. Everyone can do little things to help make them a better person.

Also it's never too late to start becoming a better human being. When you look into the mirror, do you like the person you see before you? If you don't, brush yourself off and do something about it!

No matter how bad you acted in the past, how stupid the stuff you did in the past or how lousy of human being you were in the past matter. At that point of time in your life, you were where you were suppose to be at.

Grow from it. You can change yourself for the better. All you have to do is make that decision and take steps to improve. Learn from your past experiences to help guide you on your new journey.

On a personal note, I have had people all of my life tell me that I can't do this or that. Boulder dash! I have done all of those things people have told me that were impossible and more.

And I'm not done either, my life will continue to grow. Each day I wake and think, what will make me a better human being today? Then I will do that!

So, what have you done today to make yourself a better human being? When you can answer that question everyday, the world would be an amazing place. Rock and Roll!

Here is 22 minutes of me rockin' out at last Tuesday's Open Mike Night.

Herbert Midgley "The Internet Legend" Live at Open Mike Nite

The Birdwell Building is almost gone.
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I love this guitar!
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Here I am playing boogie woogie!
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An artsy photo with a lot of shadows.
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I look great in front of brick wall for some reason.
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A rare night photo.
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Buying peanut butter sandwich fixins at Wally World
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5 o'clock lighting saves me once again.
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A possible Movie Poster.
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