I'll shave my beard on Tuesday.

It is always exciting the day before a new term begins. This is a busy time, the few days before a new semester there is a lot of time spent getting ready for classes. I have to get all of the syllabi ready and make sure I have all of my teaching materials on hand.
Last year I have seen about 70% of the students go for their cell phones the second they walk out of class. Students also try to use their cell phones during class. This year don't want to see one cell phone in my classes. No cell phones out during class!!
You can text message your friends on your own time. Figuring out when you are going to meet at Taco Bell for lunch can wait when I'm done teaching. This text messaging is really getting a bit out of hand. Why are you paying $500 a class and wasting you education on your cell phone? Leave your cell phones at home and pay attention while you are in class.
Well over the holiday I have made a few videos as well as working on another play. The last two plays that I written, I had in the back of my mind to tie them together with my next play. So I did that over the holiday.
I'm still not done with connecting them together, but as one acts I feel that they work well. I hope you like them and perhaps learn something by reading them. I try to put in a few cool bits of trivia and history in my work. All three of my plays together are over fifty pages, so if you like to read, enjoy.
Here is my new play:
The Tawny Situation
Here are all the one acts connected together:
The Genetic Zero
Here are all of the stand alone one acts:
Let's Go To Cali
Grab Every Bit of Happiness
The Tawny Situation
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