Friday, February 28, 2025

A Hue Of Friendship

A Hue Of Friendship

Thinking back, there are so many memories about high school and the friends we had back then. And as the decades passed, we talked to fewer of them. People you think you would be friends with for life, at some point drift off, never to be heard or seen again. But, a few friends will stay with you forever, thick and thin. No matter what happens, they will be there for you to support you. They want to help you and be there for the good and bad times. They ask you to go with them and do stuff. Treasure of these individuals because they are rare to encounter in your life.

Later in life, you meet more individuals. Often at work, maybe in college. And you think the same thing. Some of these people are going to be your friends forever. But most will not. Their interests will become different than yours at some point. You move on, wishing them happiness, and they probably will do the same for you. Even if they do not, you still have the positive memories of the past to reflect upon.

It is fascinating to see how people change over time. Sometimes, people change very quickly. Other times, it is like a glacial move. Slowly, they become a different person, and so do you. Different priorities, different perspectives of life, and different areas of interest lead to friendships ending. These and other circumstances have claimed many friendships over the years. It is no one's fault.

At times, it may be a bit of jealousy of somebody getting a prize position, fame, an amazing job, wealth, educational degrees, and maybe accolades from their peer group. But just like you cannot return to your first house, you cannot relive what you had in high school. Life keeps pushing forward, as will you and all the friends and people you once cared about. Time is the ultimate reason why relationships falter.

So, treasure the people in your life right now. Treasure the people who are your lifelong friends. Make memories. Go out and eat. Have adventures they can share with their grandkids once you are no longer in their life. Friendships come and go, but strong memories never do. Hopefully, you can look back and smile and realize nothing is wrong. It is just that people get older, and their perspectives on life change. If this has not happened to you, it will. Trust me, everything is going to be all right.


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