Friday, April 30, 2021

Take Action In Your Life!

Take Action In Your Life!

Life goes by fast. Complaining or blaming others for your circumstances is a fruitless endeavor. Suppose there is something in your life that you do not like. It is time for you to take action. Take all the time you are complaining and whining and use that energy to change your own life! 

During my life, I have heard individuals complain about this or that or this circumstance with that circumstance or this person or that person has kept them from doing the things they want to do. Dreams have been shattered because others did not believe in them or told them they could not achieve them.

Balderdash! Your life is your own! You make it the way you want regardless of what others say or do to keep you from your goals. Ultimately, if you are not successful in the things you want to do in your life, you need to look into the mirror and realize the blame is on you. 

The question you need to ask yourself is, what are you willing to give up to achieve these goals? Are you ready to give up hanging out with your friends? Would you give up watching streaming movies one after another? Will you devote time to reading and writing to pursue the dreams you have? Will you change your circumstances to make these goals achievable? Are you willing to move to an area to allow you the chance to achieve these goals? These questions can go on and on, and you know what questions you have to ask yourself. What you are willing to do to achieve success?

Goals are important for those that want to be successful in life. Short-term, midterm, and long-term goals need to be expressly clear for the individual to achieve them. Write them out, put them on your wall and read them daily, share them with others that will help you with them, and carry them on you and referred to them when times are difficult.

Success does not mean having money. Wealth does not mean success. Goals and dreams do not have a tangible price on them. However, they do come with significant time commitments and separation from activities that you currently enjoy. When time is a factor, decisions have to be made on what is truly important to you.

Reflecting upon my life, I knew I wanted to go to college. I wanted to learn as much as I could from as many different disciplines as possible. With this knowledge and experience, I knew my goals and dreams would be achievable. Looking back, this was not easy. However, I would not let anything get in my way of earning a college degree and the experiences that go along with it. This dream came true for me through long hours, hard work, sleepless nights, and challenging experiences. I am glad I started when I did. If I waited for the right circumstances, that degree might never have happened.

This was my path. Your path may be completely different. And it should be. Deep inside you right now, you know what you have to do to fulfill your desires for success.

Are you willing to take that step? If you are, stop what you are doing right now and begin. Waiting to start later means you never will. Start now!


Daily Photos of me from Feb 2020 until April 2021! 

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