Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Longboarding Later In Life

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Longboarding Later In Life

If you have never longboard or skateboard in your youth, trying to learn those skills later in life are harder.  I would say learning to longboard past 20 something, is not the wisest thing to do.  So should you do it anyways?

I don't think that I will ever do any tricks on a longboard.  I doubt that I will ever go over three miles an hour on it.   I may never take the longboard out on the streets.

Still learning something new is always cool.  I have learned so far that I have good balance.  Perhaps due to all of those years of biking.  Biking is the reason I never learned how to skate, I have a bike and it was faster and I knew how to ride it.  Spending time on a skateboard didn't enter my mind. Well I had a few friends that skateboarded, they did some cool moves with them, however most of them got hurt at some point.

Over the last few weeks I have been teaching myself how to longboard.  I go on YouTube and watch some basic videos,  so far I know how to stand on it.  I can push off for a few slow feet.  And so far I have only been on a flat surface.  Still it is fun to try something that I never thought I could do at all.

A few years back I worked on Swing dancing.  I have never thought of myself as a dancer.  At first it was slow.  I practiced, then got my footwork down.  Then I could swing my partner around.  It is great to know how to Swing dance if I ever need to dance.

You have to continue to push yourself as person.  Challenge yourself not because it will be easy, but rather because it will be hard.  Everyday either you are becoming a better person, are you are not.  Choose to become a better person.  I do.

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How To LongBoard

How To Stand On Your Longboard With A Box Of THE RISE OF THE ROBOTS DVDs Behind You

How To Use Your Walker With Your Long Board When You Get Older

What's In This Cool Box

"The Rise Of The Robots" - Trailer - Sci-Fi Feature Film - From VHS VCR Tape

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