Thursday, July 31, 2014

Long Exposure Photography and Light Painting

Long Exposure Photography and Light Painting

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At one point, long before photoshop, photographers could make some amazing artistic choices
using long exposure photography and light painting.  What you had to do was set your shutter
to a long time, like 30 seconds in a dark environment, with a timer and use a flash bulb.  You take the photo, get in front of the camera, flash the bulb, move and flash the bulb again and again until the shutter closes.  

You have to paint in your mind's eye.  What I do is take a few photos and look at them.  I figure
out what is working or looking good, then repeat it.  There are times that I let chance help me out.

Light painting, I use a flash light, phone or a tablet as a light source.  Then I draw with light.
It is fun to see what I can come up with.  Again, I look at photos to see what is working, and repeat.
Then I combine both effects to make some amazing photos.

Enjoy some of these photos.

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Here are a few short films.  Enjoy!

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