Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Delay Your Happiness For Future Rewards

Delay Your Happiness For Future Rewards
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Do you want to be successful?  Have you seen famous people and wonder how they did it? How can you gain success in you life?  Do you want success?  Or do you want to be happy now?

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The answer to the question is to delay your happiness.  Your happiness will come in your future with rewards deeper then if you luck into your happiness.  When things come easy, it is hard to realize how amazing they are.

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Hard work will get you part of the way.  Having a goal another part of the way.  Finding time to follow your dreams, another part.  However the most important part is the willingness to give up the short term happiness for future happiness.  Choose to be a little bit happy now or a whole more happier later.

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Musicians, artist, actors, dancers, writers and pretty much everyone in the fine arts that is great at their talent, all sacrificed.  The people that are best of what they do, delayed their current happiness so they could be happier in the future.   Hard work the only reward in the present.

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So work hard to make your dreams come true!  Give of your current happiness so that in the future you could be even happier!  Delay your happiness and your future will be brighter.  Don't spend all of your talent in one day, invest it so it will grow in time!

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Rockin' out like always!
Jaming On The Guitar 

Here are some videos:
Delay Your Happiness For Future Rewards
What Makes You Great? One Word : Risk
Creating Music
Pink Clouds
From The Ashes - Avant Garde Art Film
"How Do I Know?" - Lost 80's Synthpop Song 

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