Thursday, January 31, 2013

Take A Leap Of Faith

Take A Leap Of Faith
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Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith.  You see that there is nothing below your feet, you have to continue on your journey in life.  You stop walking, your journey ends right there.  Or do you take a leap of faith, trust who you are and move forward into the undiscovered country.

The journey never ends, each day new challenges occur.  Once you wake up, there is a hit of the future before your eyes.  Smiles could turn to frowns.  Frowns move to smiles.  The circle becomes fulfilled.

The easy road is mostly never appreciated.  A hard road, the tough battle, prepares us for the difficult choices you must indure.  Those that never had to work, never truly can enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The past is over.  Learn from it, don't relive it over too many times.  What goes before in yesteryear remains a part of who we are.  Never forget the rough times, they remain as metals reminding you what you should do better was you walk into the now.

So go out there and live life once again!  You only have a bunch of moons in your life, once they are all gone, the next voyage happens.  When you have shuffled off this mortal coil, only look back at the positive times.  The rest fades away into dust, that blows in the wind to start another beginning.

Is this the end, or is this the beginning?  You know the answer inside.  Smile when you frown on the inside.  Frown when you smile on the outside.  Then look into a mirror and face the truth.

Here are some cool videos and photos.

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Biking is fun.

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I should move on in life.

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There are lights behind me.

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Have a happy life, like me!

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Time to rock out!

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