Monday, May 31, 2021

Rockin' In Your Own World

Rockin' In Your Own World

No one ever said you had to follow the same beat as the rest of the world. This world is what you make of it. Listening to what is inside of you is going to make your life enjoyable during the time that you are here. You do not want to reflect upon your life and realize you wasted it by not achieving your possibility. 

When we were kids, grown-ups ask "what do you want to do when you grow up?" Fantasies of being an astronaut, a race car driver, a rockstar, a famous actor, and so on are often the responses from children. However, I wonder the last rockstar who knew they would be a rockstar at five years old. When they were asked as a kid, they probably said something like an astronaut. Space is cool.

We never know where life is going to take us. Life is a journey that often we have little control over the locations and employment opportunities we have, especially if you have others you are responsible for in your life. Many individuals settle on whatever position or a lot on life they get and learn to live with it.

Others will not be satisfied with life until they had sought out adventures and go to places that they must see before they shuffled off this mortal coil. These individuals are often loathed by others since they can not follow their dreams. Some may live vicariously through these free individuals.

Whether you are living your dreams or living vicariously through others, life continues. Wishing you had the autonomy to do what others do is an exercise in futility. Instead, look at what you can do where you are currently at to assist in fulfilling your goals.

Today, individuals can find opportunities that were not available to them previously with the Internet and technology. With the Internet, the world has become truly smaller. I can write a song and post it online and have millions of people see it in a few hours, regardless of my location. Also, with some of the technologies that have come to fruition during the pandemic, more opportunities for working at various companies globally have open to those in rural areas. 

Rockin' in your own world can be amazing! Find a way they can feed your spirit as much as possible with your circumstances. Dreams are not unreachable visions. Everyone can find a way to live partially in them. 

I work hard to find opportunities and achieve impossible goals. During my life, pushing myself to get outside my comfort zone has led to many opportunities and growth in myself. If you had asked me as a child what I wanted to be, I would say today is to be happy and fulfilled in my life. I have done so and continue to do so. May your life be full of rock music and robots as mine is! Rock on!


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