Saturday, March 31, 2012

Dinosaur Attack!

Dinosaur Attack!

65 million years ago I don't think I would have had much of a chance against a Tyrannosaurus rex. Not for a lack of trying, but let's be real, a Tyrannosaurus rex would win in that battle. Even if I had my bike, the Tyrannosaurus rex would win.

So it makes me happy that I live now and not back 65 million years. Freedom to live a life without a Tyrannosaurus rex chasing after me when I ride my bike. Having a happy life riding my bike without the threat of a Tyrannosaurus rex around is awesome!

I would say go out there and enjoy life and the world without a Tyrannosaurus rex. Go and ride your bike, go for a walk, watch the sun down, or whatever you want to do. Dinosaurs were great back then, however it nice to not have them now and only view their bones in a museum.

Rockin' out!

Enjoy these vids!

What is Freedom?

"I'm a Cowboy Nerd" - Music Video

Bike Time = Happy Life

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